Saturday 26 March 2016

It's Easter

We should be celebrating our Christian heritage, but the news is dominated by what muslims are doing, that is murdering and terrorising the population of Europe.

The BBC and other media including Sky News are trying very hard indeed however today and regularly to ensure that we, the people, make no connection between muslim/islamist killers and their barbaric beliefs and the muslim population in Europe generally and the UK particularly.

I liken the situation to that which Northern Ireland faced when the IRA was at its most active. It carried out a campaign of bombing and shootings and other acts of terror, but it was not done in isolation. It had support from a very large number of citizens, those who believed like them that Ireland should be united, and that Northern Ireland should be wrested by force from the UK. The IRA did the killings and its political branch did the propaganda and its people acted as victims.

We have the same now but on a vastly greater scale. We have muslim killers and political islam, and we have a population of muslims which makes no attempt to stop these who kill and maim in their name and in their religion, because they sympathise and came here to change our society. Indeed they actively and passively support and defend them. Where the IRA wanted Northern Ireland, the muslims want the whole of Europe and the UK. They will keep fighting as long as they are here.

Europe, its indigenous people and its civilisation is doomed unless severe action is taken to push back against this invasive religion and ideology, no political settlement is possible in this case, any compromise would be a disaster.

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