Saturday 26 March 2016

It's Easter

We should be celebrating our Christian heritage, but the news is dominated by what muslims are doing, that is murdering and terrorising the population of Europe.

The BBC and other media including Sky News are trying very hard indeed however today and regularly to ensure that we, the people, make no connection between muslim/islamist killers and their barbaric beliefs and the muslim population in Europe generally and the UK particularly.

I liken the situation to that which Northern Ireland faced when the IRA was at its most active. It carried out a campaign of bombing and shootings and other acts of terror, but it was not done in isolation. It had support from a very large number of citizens, those who believed like them that Ireland should be united, and that Northern Ireland should be wrested by force from the UK. The IRA did the killings and its political branch did the propaganda and its people acted as victims.

We have the same now but on a vastly greater scale. We have muslim killers and political islam, and we have a population of muslims which makes no attempt to stop these who kill and maim in their name and in their religion, because they sympathise and came here to change our society. Indeed they actively and passively support and defend them. Where the IRA wanted Northern Ireland, the muslims want the whole of Europe and the UK. They will keep fighting as long as they are here.

Europe, its indigenous people and its civilisation is doomed unless severe action is taken to push back against this invasive religion and ideology, no political settlement is possible in this case, any compromise would be a disaster.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Bewilderment at Sainsbury's

My shopping habits are of no particular interest to anyone, but as will be gleaned from my title I do tend to look at things from an English perspective.

I was browsing the cheese counter in my local branch of the supermarket this morning looking to buy something English. The cheeses have little flags on them, but all the English cheeses had the Union flag label - only half of the flag as it happens. There was a single Welsh cheese and this had the complete Welsh flag on it.

When I asked why there were no English flags to be seen, the man behind the counter displayed complete bewilderment and incomprehension; he looked at the labels and said, ''but they've got the Union flag''. He could not understand why I would be asking the question.

I then asked if they had a Scottish flag to display on Scottish cheeses. He turned to his 'guidance book' as he called it but it wasn't there, but said that they do have Scottish flag labels.

So, why does Sainsbury's not recognise England? It's a an age-old question, the executives will be well aware of it.

The answer is that Sainsbury's do not wish to recognise England. Is it also influenced by their fear of displaying an English flag in Scotland and Wales?

If I am wrong I challenge them to say so and prove it by displaying the English flag on all English produce such as this, in Scotland and Wales too.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

The War in Syria and the immigration crisis

Sky News is running a report from Syria to highlight that people from Europe, the USA and elsewhere have travelled to Syria to help fight the Islamist scum and murderers there. We know what these psychopaths and religious fanatics do with captured enemy solidiers and airmen, and civilians and particularly women. Beheadings, burnings, torture and rape, there is no end to their inhumanity and religious zealotry. Their religious views lead to brutality, it wishes mayhem and subjugation on the whole world.

The Sky News reporter interviewed two men who seemed to be English, and an American and, I think a Polish woman. The American said it was easy to get to the fighting zone, so why not be there - it was better than complaining about the brutality from the safety of Facebook. They emphasised that many women from the region are also fighting on the front line, they were shown doing just that. They all know what awaits them if they are captured, and they are at all times at risk of being killed or maimed in any event.

Contrast this now with the hoards of fit and healthy men from Syria who are travelling in their hundreds of thousands, running away from their own nation to get away to save their precious skins. Not content to stay in nearby Turkey or The Lebanon so as to get back as soon as they can, they travel to Europe. They say that conditions are so bad that they have no alternative but to leave.

Some no doubt send for or bring with them their families, but often they are without, mostly in large threatening groups. They demand sanctuary and support. Once here they intend to undermine European cultural values and convert Europe to reflect their religious views and needs, to turn Europe into what they left behind, and they turn violent when they don't get what they demand.

They don't wish to fight for their own country. And they won't thank anyone who does it for them.

Why should we allow them to come here, why do we not return them, now, and in large numbers?